Introducing….. Miracle Milo

I’m a big family guy.  Not family guy as in the television show… I’ve never watched an episode in my life… but family guy as in I love family.  The cool thing about the blessing of family is that we’re not limit to the family that God gives us.  We can be adopted… we can adopt others… we can divorce… and we can abandon.  Those last two things are the ugly side of family.  I’m gonna save that for another post… this post is a joyous post.

When I was in college my church had this program where families could adopt college students.  When the Tuckers adopted me… it was like I struck gold.  They remain apart of my family to this day.  We’ve had some amazing days together… we’ve had some not so amazing days together… we’re family… that’s what families experience… but they experience it together.  One of the most difficult things about leaving college… was leaving the Tuckers.  But we remain family to this day.  We try our best to continue to experience life together as much as we can.  Bryan… the oldest son… was in my wedding… and I was in his wedding.  I was there for Bradley’s wedding and some day I am sure I will be there for Blake’s.

On occasion as life happens… I really wish I could be with them. Bradley and his wife Mandy had their first child on April 25th, 2011.  Their son… Milo Britton Tucker was born weighing in at a whopping 3 lbs. 7 oz.  Milo is a miracle.  You see… Milo wasn’t supposed to arrive until sometime in June.  He was about 10 weeks early.  I haven’t met him yet… but I love the little guy… like… well… my nephew.  He’s family.  Milo and Mandy will remain in the hospital for awhile I am sure.  Yesterday was a great day… Milo’s breathing tubes were taken out… and he got to eat.  What an awesome God we serve!!!

Brad, Mandy, and Milo  have been used by God this week to bring two passages of Scripture to my mind.  The first one is a verse that we often look to in times like these.  It’s a very familiar verse.
Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 

I’m so thankful that God knows the plans that He has for us.  I’m also glad that His plans include family both adopted and biological.

The other verse is found is Isaiah 29:23- For when they see their many children and all the blessings I have given them, they will recognize the holiness of the Holy One of Israel.

When we see our children… we recognize how great God is and His greatness includes his holiness.  I know this is true for Tucker and Britton families.  As they see the gift that God has given them in baby Milo… they see the holiness of God… that my friends… is the truth of God’s Word… and when we witness the truth of God’s Word in our lives… He becomes more real to us today than He was yesterday.

Please pray for Brad, Mandy, and baby Milo as God works in their lives.  Milo needs strength… we know where that comes from.

How has God blessed your life / family recently?

Please share…

Introducing….. Miracle Milo

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